Looking for KADOSHNESS
The first topic I would like to bring attention to is the fact that the stabilizing factor has been removed from the home. As I discuss this I do understand that some may misunderstand the intent and purpose of this discussion. I believe this is a risk that I have to deal with and try by the power of Almighty Yahveh to communicate with purpose. It is easy to be misunderstood when involved in a verbal conversation and much easier when communication is by writing. However, no matter, how great the task of communicating on this subject without offense, I intend to attempt to do so with all the love and grace The Father will grant me.
We are living in a generation that seems to have lost it’s reference point. This generation was raised without some of the benefits that my generation experienced. It is very possible I was among the last generation to experience the influence of iron clad absolutes.
That is not to say we never broke those iron clad absolutes, we did so many times but the difference is that we knew when we were doing wrong, and we knew how to correct the problem. However, if we didn’t know how to correct the issue our parents were not to preoccupied to steer us in the right direction. Sometimes it was required that they apply pressure to the seat of knowledge to encourage opening up of our understanding.
We had a good understanding of the fact that there was consequences to our actions. We were not rewarded for bad behavior in order to improve our self image. If we ignored people’s rights and trampled over their feelings our feelings were ignored. We experienced the fact that pain occurs when people’s feelings are ignored.
I have never known a child that was ecstatic over receiving punishment for unacceptable behavior. “Hebrews 12:10-11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Without consequences for bad behavior where is the incentive to change their practices? Some may have a tender spirit that you can reason with and when they understand that you are displeased with them and will modify their behavior. There are some that need a little more encouragement, I was one of the children that needed a little more encouragement.
The age of Dr Spock had just came in and the age of permissiveness was on the horizon. The Ladies Home Journal had Dr. Spock’s column advising you on a more acceptable and more productive way to raise your child. He promoted the idea that physical punishment was barbaric. He also promoted the idea it was counter productive and it inhibited our children and prevented them from expressing themselves.
Dr. Spock believed that if your child was frustrated with your decision or judgment as a small child they should be allowed to throw a fit, get down in the floor and kick scream. This allows them to understand that they are allowed to express themselves freely.
The result of the Dr. Spock’s generation is we have a whole generation of people who live in excess. Excessive behaviors is a way of expressing yourself. However, it most likely not the most expedient way of expressing your emotions. There are acceptable ways to express ourselves and unacceptable means; we need to be able to distinguish the difference between the two.
There are some men who express their frustration with their wives by slapping them around. This is totally unacceptable, inappropriate and criminal behavior. However, they have in many cases never been trained to respect their mother or rules. Nothing is absolutely wrong so with proper provocation hitting their wife is understandable and others will understand. No they won’t and most of all Almighty Yahveh won’t understand or accept the behavior.
What Dr. Spock and this liberal generation fail to acknowledge is that the relationship a young boy has with his mother will resemble the relationship he will have with his wife. No respect for boundaries set by his mother, he will probably have little or no respect boundaries set by his wife in a marital relationship.
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