Jer 23:16-17 Thus says Almighty Yahveh of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of Almighty Yahveh.

17 They continually say to those who despise Me, ‘Almighty Yahveh has said, “You shall have peace”‘;

And to everyone who walks according to the dictates of his own heart, they say, ’No evil shall come upon you.

Jeremiah 23:16 gives us specific instructions from Almighty Yahveh do not listen to those of the prophets they say to you words that make you worthless, powerless and incapable. We’re called commanded and empowered by Almighty Yahveh to do the spiritual warfare required on this earth.

Were experiencing a strange phenomenon this not strange at all it could have been predicted man has left the Commandments of Yahveh for the traditions of religion. Man has seemed to find it difficult to keep from making up his own rules and his own traditions. When Yahveh’s commandments place too many restrictions on his carnal tendencies; his carnal reaction is to compromise and to modify. This is the very thing that has robbed the church of its power and it’s anointing. Read More →


          We have come to a point in this nation that there seems to be no solid ground for citizens to stand on. The politicians ether tell you it is alright or it’s hopeless depending on what agenda they are trying to achieve at the time. Most of the time, it’s to gain power over the party in power. The party in power is trying to convince you that they and their agenda is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The truth, is far from ether one; on many occasions, you would have to look with a microscope to find a shred of truth.

          In the nature of mankind, there is the ability to bend and twist the truth or out and out lie; it is in his nature. Since the fall of man, mankind has been making choices according to what seems right or feels right to him. Being ruled by the lusts of his flesh or the carnal mind in other words (the five senses).

          The scriptures tells us in Rom 8:7-8  “Because the carnal mind is enmity against Yahveh; for it is not subject to the law of Yahveh, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please Yahveh”. Now this is a very serious condition; if a large percentage of the populace is motivated by a carnal mind then the nation as a whole cannot please Almighty Yahveh because it is at enmity With Almighty Yahveh.

          The creator of Heaven and Earth has not required us to function in something that He has not provided a way for us to accomplish the task given. 1 Peter 1:15-16 “He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be Kadosh, for I am Kadosh.”  According to 1 Peter, He leaves no doubt that Holiness is not just recognizing Yahshua (Jesus) as the Meshiach who died and rose again that we could be freed from our past sins. He also instructed us to be Kadosh. Not in the manner we consider to be Kadosh but to be Kadosh according to His standards  as He described Kadoshness. I have told you in my Torah what Kadoshness entails.

          It’s not just joining the Jesus club and getting ducked in water. It is much more than that. You must come to Him with a commitment to submit yourself to His way of life. 1 John 2:5-6 tells us if we say we abide in Him we are obligated to Kadoshness “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” We know that He walked in Kadoshness.

          You may say to me 80% 0f this nation are Christians and I would say to you by whose standards, the standards of the Church or The Kadosh standards of Almighty Yahveh. Many Churches teach that we are no longer under the laws of Almighty Yahveh. If we are a member of the Jesus club and be a faithful by attending Church regularly and paying tithes then all of our sins are covered. Now please do not think I am belittling the price that was paid by Yahshua (Jesus). I am not the most beautiful thing I can imagine is The Father redeeming us by the blood of His precious Son Yahshua.

          He not only removed our sins from us, He provided a new birth for us not by entering the second time into our mother’s womb. He gave us a spiritual birth, a regeneration, renewing our minds with the Ruach Ha Kadosh to lead and guide us to all truths.
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Looking for Kadoshness

Looking for KADOSHNESS

The first topic I would like to bring attention to is the fact that the stabilizing factor has been removed from the home. As I discuss this I do understand that some may misunderstand the intent and purpose of this discussion. I believe this is a risk that I have to deal with and try by the power of Almighty Yahveh to communicate with purpose. It is easy to be misunderstood when involved in a verbal conversation and much easier when communication is by writing. However, no matter, how great the task of communicating on this subject without offense, I intend to attempt to do so with all the love and grace The Father will grant me.

We are living in a generation that seems to have lost it’s reference point. This generation was raised without some of the benefits that my generation experienced. It is very possible I was among the last generation to experience the influence of iron clad absolutes.

That is not to say we never broke those iron clad absolutes, we did so many times but the difference is that we knew when we were doing wrong, and we knew how to correct the problem. However, if we didn’t know how to correct the issue our parents were not to preoccupied to steer us in the right direction. Sometimes it was required that they apply pressure to the seat of knowledge to encourage opening up of our understanding.

We had a good understanding of the fact that there was consequences to our actions. We were not rewarded for bad behavior in order to improve our self image. If we ignored people’s rights and trampled over their feelings our feelings were ignored. We experienced the fact that pain occurs when people’s feelings are ignored.

I have never known a child that was ecstatic over receiving punishment for unacceptable behavior. “Hebrews 12:10-11  Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”  Without consequences for bad behavior where is the incentive to change their practices? Some may have a tender spirit that you can reason with and when they understand that you are displeased with them and will modify their behavior. There are some that need a little more encouragement, I was one of the children that needed a little more encouragement.

The age of Dr Spock had just came in and the age of permissiveness was on the horizon. The Ladies Home Journal had Dr. Spock’s column advising you on a more acceptable and more productive way to raise your child. He promoted the idea that physical punishment was barbaric. He also promoted the idea it was counter productive and it inhibited our children and prevented them from expressing themselves.

Dr. Spock believed that if your child was frustrated with your decision or judgment as a small child they should be allowed to throw a fit, get down in the floor and kick scream. This allows them to understand that they are allowed to express themselves freely.

The result of the Dr. Spock’s generation is we have a whole generation of people who live in excess. Excessive behaviors is a way of expressing yourself. However, it most likely not the most expedient way of expressing your emotions. There are acceptable ways to express ourselves and unacceptable means; we need to be able to distinguish the difference between the two.

There are some men who express their frustration with their wives by slapping them around.  This is totally unacceptable, inappropriate and criminal behavior. However, they have in many cases never been trained to respect their mother or rules. Nothing is absolutely wrong so with proper provocation hitting their wife is understandable and others will understand. No they won’t and most of all Almighty Yahveh won’t understand or accept the behavior.

What Dr. Spock and this liberal generation fail to acknowledge is that the relationship a young boy has with his mother will resemble the relationship he will have with his wife. No respect for boundaries set by his mother, he will probably have little or no respect boundaries set by his wife in a marital relationship.
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2 Peter 2:18-21

“For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. 20 For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Master and Savior Yahshua Ha Meshiach, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the Kadosh commandment delivered to them.”

I love this scripture; the apostle seemed to be looking down thru the ages to this generation. It seems he could see the condition that plagues this society: a selfish, self-focused and self-indulgent populace. This generation wants to give the Father no time or consideration and expects the Father to be there at his or her beck and call.

The traditional church has thumbed their noses to Almighty Yahveh. There is sin in the church at every turn. The sad thing about it is that too many times the pastors are more interested in their career than the congregation’s salvation.  More often, they focus on the consequences of the strong hard message rather the consequences of placation and compromise.

There are the intellectuals that we have to impress with our great swelling words of theology and earthly wisdom.  Pastors are taught more psychology, focused on justification for the failures that reign in so many lives.  Their focus in far too many cases is on numbers and offering rather than the word of Almighty Yahveh; more interest in the art of pacification rather than the power of deliverance. Read More →

Living in Truth

Rom 1:16-17 for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Mashiach, for it is the power of Almighty Yahveh to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of Sovereign is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “”The just shall live by faith.”” Paul is making a statement here for the people to understand where he stood and what his convictions were. I am not in the least bit embarrassed by the gospel of Yahshua. The reason I am not embarrassed by the gospel is that it is not a Greek philosophy having no power to do either good or evil but a manifestation of the will and the power of Almighty Yahveh to save a lost and wayward generation.

The key word in the scripture above is the power of Almighty Yahveh to deliver all who will trust Him to deliver from sin and destruction through Yahshua Mashiach. When we come to Yahveh through Yahshua, we are to be a new creation. We are no longer to be a bottle floating on the water going along with the flow. We are no longer powerless & at the mercy of the enemy who has no power over Yah’s children.  Much like the person whose about  to be murdered and in his hand is a loaded gun all the power he needs to avoid being murdered is in his hand, but he doesn’t know how to release the safety mechanism. In this situation, he had all the power he needed to save his life and the lives of his family, however due to lack of knowledge he and his family perished.

Hos 4:6 6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your Sovereign, I also will forget your children”. In the case of the man with the gun, he must release the safety and pull the trigger in order to release the power of the gun. He held the power in his hand but did not know how to release the power therefore, he perished needlessly.

Many of the saints today do not understand how to release the power of the gospel.  What I hope to do today is to teach you how to load your weapon and to release the safety so you can release the power when needed to protect yourself or your family (brothers and sisters in Yahshua). Every believer that has been washed in the blood of Yahshua has access to the weapons of our warfare. Unlike the carnal weapon we talked about above these weapons are spiritual and much more powerful even to the pulling down of strongholds.

As in carnal weapons, your spiritual weapons must be loaded. Now I am not going to teach you how to load a pistol or a rifle but I am going to teach you how to load the most powerful weapon in the world, the power of Almighty Yahveh by the Ruach HaKadosh. This weapon is mighty to the pulling down all the strongholds that Ha Satan has set up in your life.   2 Cor 10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Almighty Yahveh to the pulling down of strong holds;)  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of The Almighty, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Mashiach. This scripture tells you of the importance of bringing every thought into captivity causing it (the thought) to submit to life and teachings of Yahshua. Read More →